Change begins with Action

Rewire Your Shadow

Uncover, Process, Integrate

You have to be willing to make the choice, to take a chance in order for anything to change in your life.

We get it... life can be overwhelming, confronting and just confusing! When Is enough, enough?

Work Hard, then go and get a job, try and make some money then be happy? Because thats what we're told right? Thats what life is meant to be?-

Unfortunately we don't learn the real skills that set us up for life in school, or uni, or a job, or from anywhere.
That Changes Now

Do you feel like something is missing? That something must change?
Your Future counts on it right?
You've seen the same cycles play out?

Is this you?

  • Lacking purpose

  • Feeling like you're in it alone?

  • Self Doubt, Fear of failing

  • Not being able to actually let out what you need to let out

  • Feeling Lost and lacking direction?

This program is for men an women who are serious about taking action and creating huge change in their life.Only accepting 20 spots:
Application only


What people are saying

A Two Month Journey To Rewiring who you are and who you want to become.

We help Men and Women who are stuck in an unfulfilled life and support them in making a radical change.-Let go of the fears, negative emotions and toxic environment that's been holding you back. And actually create the future you want.

  • 8 Weeks of Weekly Zoom Calls

  • Rewire Curriculum

  • Guest Speakers

  • 1on1 Personal Coaching

  • 3 day Retreat

  • Much Much More

Hear from people who have done Rewire.

What is Your Shadow?

The shadow is all things both good and bad that you've denied about yourself and hidden beneath the surface of the mask you forgot you were wearing.
We help you remove that mask.
Then become who you truly are.
Now Firstly, This program is for those that are ready to commit. We don't see the point in someone paying for service if they're not going to do the work.
Hence why you have to Apply to be a part of this Journey

What previous Clients have said

Who you become...

  • Create Physical, Mental and Emotional Strength

  • Create Confidence, clarity and Direction

  • Set boundries so you create a life of freedom and happiness.

  • Overcome self Doubt and stand in your absolute power

  • Create Meaning Purpose and Action

  • Understand who the hell you really are

  • Become accountable

  • No longer be held back by self sabotage

  • Create Your ideal relationship by becoming a great communicator

  • improve your relationship with money

How would things be different if you embodied all of this?
What would your life look like, sound like and feel like?
Because it would be dramatically different wouldn't it?
What would happen if you didn't make the change now?

More from Past clients

Who is this for?

  • You want to finally know why you are the way you are.

  • You're feeling lost and wanting direction.

  • You finally want to face your fears and be supported through it

  • You want to be MORE

  • You want to find and choose your purpose

  • You want love? Love yourself first.

  • You want to break free of old habits

  • You want to finally get that job you've always wanted

  • You've had a poor relationship with money

  • people pleasing

Whats Included?What we do for you

  • We will hold you accountable during your Journey

  • We give you weekly tasks to help you level up

  • We follow a strategic plan to get you from where you currently are to where you desire to be

  • We help create a picture of what you want your future to be by creating achievable goals

  • We help align and create your core values, so you can live a life of happiness, freedom and excitement

  • We will help you identify your negatvie shadow beliefs (Fear, anger, saddness, hurt, guilt and shame) that are currently impacting your life

  • We will help you create self beliefe and confidence to have what you want.

  • We Support you in processing and integrating "the fear of

  • "im not good enough

  • fear of failure and fear of success

  • judgement and all the other self-limiting beliefs you have.

  • We help you create a deeper level of understanding of who you are to better understand what your true purpose is.

This is through application only
Limited positions Available

What Past Clients have said.

What is the biggest change you've noticed about yourself with in this program?

Self worth has improved drastically and understanding of why I was choosing to take the easy path-My ability to stand tall as a man. My energy has completely shifted from a child playing grown ups to a grown up with an ability to tap into child like energy. I have had an incredible shift in the energy available to me within that, I had previously felt burnt out and wondered if I could possibly achieve the things I wanted to achieve. I am now reminded that I most definitely can just by waking up in this new energy.
How I handle situations that used to bring me so much discomfort and how I view my future. Learning to lean into discomfort.
I had a moment of wondering if I had changed or grown etc, then a moment happened where a prominent family member said something that used to trigger me significantly. I'd historically go into sweating, panickiing, anger, stomach pain and in that moment... I felt nothing. If anything I felt love and compassion as I could understand the model of the world that person has objectively rather than internalising it personally.

What do you feel like you've been able to achieve since being apart of this program?

Since being apart of this program I have felt more reassured of the decisions I make and minimise second guessing myself. I am more in touch with cyclical living which has allowed me to take notice of my cycle stages and how to best support myself at each phase.
Over these 2 months personally it felt like an extension from my one on one time with Lachy. Since being apart of this program Iā€™m am feeling like I now make my own story, I am in control of my future and my body. Iā€™m in touch with what goes in inside me and that I have a gift that I should not push down.

If you were to recommend this program, why would you?

Travis and Lachlan both call you out for the lies you tell yourself and explain why you do so. Instead of slapping a band aid on your dis- ease they go to the root cause and heal that, amazing.
I would recommend it to anyone regardless of what spiritual level you think you are at. I consider myself quite spiritual, and the way the program was set up allowed me to have a very different journey to those who were perhaps "less" spiritual at the start. If you drop all pre conceptions of what you think it should be, you will open yourself up to a world of healing, change, and one of the most beautiful communities you could find yourself in.
It's true in what the coaches say, that this program is about loosening the grip on your old self, to make way for you to create the person you want to be. I'd recommend the Rewire Your Shadow Program to help you get beyond yourself, get out of your own way, understand why you do what you do, connect to yourself and the beautiful people attracted to this deeper work.
The loving community it creates when you are collectively bearing your soul and doing the work can't be described. If you feel you always quit on yourself and cant seem to get where you want to go, then i'd highly recommend working with these legends, show up for yourself and break the cycle. Just do it.

Who is Rewire?

Travis Cochran - The Technician

-Men's and Women's Coach
-Masculine and Feminine
Embodiment Practionioner
-Events Leader
-Australian Top 10 Podcaster

What Clients say about Travis

Amazing, he is the personification of everything that I needed to face in life. He could not have been a more perfect fit, and large enough energy to really push me into the place I needed to be. He is the perfect balance of what it means to be a fearless, big man and a warm, kind soul and for showing me how to be that, that I will forever be appreciative.
Supportive.. Trav has a wealth of knowledge and lived experienced that he has worked at integrating, where he so graciously shares with you. Always met me where I was at at any given moment. Intuitively knowing which gold nugget I needed. Normalising my experiences and thoughts, though pushing me to think and behave 'above the line'. His love for humans is felt always. Grateful to have met him šŸ™Œ

Lachlan Mitchell

- Mens Work Facillitator
- Shadow Worker
- Business Coach
- Inner Child Work
- Rites of Passage
- NLP Practitioner

What Clients have said about Lachlan

He helped guide me to the answer that was hiding in myself.
An absolute magician. The moment he speaks I am in a trance and know that great change is about to come. I have never met a man who carries so much energy through his voice, and so much passion in his words.
Enlightening... Lachy also a wealth of knowledge of why humans do what they do. Always pushing me to get the best out of me. Tough love describes it well haha. Seeing both the tough love and empathetic sides of Lachy, I can absolutely tell he loves this work. He was always happy to jump on a call and talk it out until your perspective had flipped and he was confident you were going to take action. I wouldn't have gotten through some moments without him, and sometimes still hear his voice playing in my head walking me through situations haha. Grateful to have met him šŸ™Œ
The experience I have had working with Lachy is amazing, tough, emotional and eye-opening. The work he does has helped me figure out where my emotions come from and what those times in my life are doing for me now It has been one of the toughest and mentally crazy journeys I've done but he has pushed me to feel my feelings and really let out my emotions to move past the past. I have noticed so much growth in my life already and can see what the other side looks like, feels like and sounds like! I can't thank him enough for being there and providing me with the drive to have a different outlook on my future.

So what is it that you actually get in this program?

- Eight action packed weeks diving deep into who you are through weekly zooms (Valued at $4500)- One of kind Work Book that you complete each day along your journey. Holding yourself accountable. (Valued at $1000)-Group and partner accountability and tasking to ensure you achieve your goals- 4 Week Person Break Through
(You will work 1on1 with your own coach over four 1.5 hour sessions in which you will dive into the emotions and shadows which have held you back. (Valued at $2500)
-Rite of Passage 3 Day Retreat
Journey into the wilderness to a remote mountain location and experience a journey like no other. This is where you will be pushed and this is where you will see who you really are. (Valued at $3900)

-1on1 Coaching Call with Lachlan
(Valued at $500)
-1on1 Coaching Call with Travis
(Valued at $500)
- 6 Expert Guest Speakers
Who talks on a variation of topics all about Health, well-being and Growth
(Valued at $1000)
Community Facebook Group
24/7 Support and Help
(Valued at $300)
Resource and Learning Package
- List of Books, films, resources to continue on your educational Journey
(Valued at $100)

TOTAL VALUE = $14300

The question we ask people is what is your future worth to you?Becuase in the scheme of things $14300 isnt actually that much money is it?Its like a shitty second hand car that you would buy right?So if you would buy a 2nd hand car to simply get you from A-B, for what purpose wouldn't spend $14300 to help you go from living in the past to actually creating your future...When is now the right time to decide...Because you've already seen, heard and felt everything that you need in order to make that decision haven't you. The best part is that your personal investment in this is actually far less

We know how much you value your future, and those who are serious about taking those steps to create their life will do what is necessary in order to make that happen. And that is worth far more than $14k isn't it?Rewire your shadow is currently on offer for $5k. With payment plans available.And if you're still going "wow $5k is alot of money" then our response is alot of money compared to what?

Why? Do you really need more convicing? Or have you just been telling yourself the same old story that its to hard and that you can't do it?

"The reality is this, and we see people every single day, simply getting by, simply living day to day. And they do that because they are too scared, and worried about what might happen. Unless something big happens they tend not to change"."People Need dramatic examples to shake them out of apathy"Bruce Wayne

What happens if you keep living the way you are right now?Another 6 months, another year, another 5 years? What does that feel like for you? You can notice it can't you?How much longer are you going to keep putting it off? Keep pushing down the feelings. Keep living on the hamster wheel of mediocracy when you know how capable you are?The only person that's told you it's not possible is you.We know how powerful you are, we know what you are capable, because we have had ordinary humans who thought the exact same come through this program and have their lives changed?

